Mind-Over Movie is a premier platform dedicated to the exploration and analysis of psychological thrillers.
Founded by Dr. Ganeev Singh, our site offers deep dives into the world of mind-bending films.
We provide insightful reviews, thoughtful analyses, and curated lists to engage and captivate thriller enthusiasts.
Our mission at Mind-Over Movie is to bridge the gap between psychology and cinema, providing a unique perspective on psychological thrillers.
We aim to enhance your movie-watching experience by uncovering the deeper meanings and psychological intricacies behind your favorite films. Through our expert analysis, we seek to spark conversation, inspire critical thinking, and foster a deeper appreciation for the genre.
At Mind-Over Movie, we are guided by a set of core values that define our approach and commitment:
Dr Ganeev Singh is a MBBS physician from India with a keen interest in Psyhcitary